Friday 20 December 2019


                                Brand Protection Service
Our team of experience is trained to examine our clients’ merchandise. We carry out covert surveillance of the market place and proactive investigations identifying those selling, importing and manufacturing our clients’ goods. We are not just a reactive organization. We work collectively for a number of clients in order to keep costs to a minimum by jointly taking actions against the counterfeiters and their traders, aiming to put them out of business by seizing all their stock and assisting with prosecutions.
At Strategy Investigation Services we have a dedicated team who deal with internet / social media who have taken down numerous bogus web sites and many thousands of online marketplace listings for trade mark and copyright infringements.
Recent annual seizures have exceeded Millions of counterfeit clothing and merchandise jointly on behalf of our clients. We have conducted covert investigations throughout the world and provided the judicial authorities with our evidence thus making their task easier in taking legal action against these perpetrators.

Tuesday 17 December 2019



Let Us Catch Your Cheating Spouse

Our infidelity division consists of licensed private investigators who are experts in investigating cheating partners and who know the exact steps to take in order to uncover the truth for our clients.  Ultimately, we are here to find the evidence you need and deserve to know about your relationship.

The Most Common Signs of Cheating

Matrimonial investigations and infidelity investigations are performed in order to determine if a person’s spouse, partner, or significant other is unfaithful or committing adultery.  If you are unsure your spouse is cheating, we recommend reviewing signs of a cheating spouse prior to calling an investigator. There are numerous methods to establish, verify, and prove infidelity in a relationship.

A Sudden Need for Privacy

Cheaters usually fear their significant other will find out what they’re up to.  They will become more secretive and will keep to themselves.

Partner Staying Late at Work

Sometimes cheaters may use overtime work as a cover for times when they are actively cheating on their partners.  He or she may not be at work, but somewhere else entirely.  GPS can be used to determine their actual whereabouts.

Do I Need an Infidelity Investigator?

We hear different infidelity stories everyday.  Our marital infidelity private investigators will aim to provide the necessary evidence to prove your case with irrefutable, undeniable proof, but sometimes infidelity investigations aren’t cut and dry.  When suspecting someone of cheating,you should be absolutely sure you would like to conduct an investigation. Identifying any suspects in these cases is vital; we provide accurate details such as names, addresses, phone numbers, place of employment, and a full background check on the individual.  Occasionally, after our clients prove their significant other was cheating, they’re not sure what their next steps should be.  We always advise weighing your options when dealing with a cheating spouse.

Infidelity Statistics: Why men and why women cheat

Marriage statistics reveal that upwards of fifty percent of married men are susceptible to cheating and eighty one percent will lie about it to their partners.  Even men who aren’t married (“committed” boyfriends) become tempted to cheat on their girlfriends they’ve been in relationship for years.  However, despite the gender of the individual, victims should be aware that cheating wives, cheating boyfriends, and cheating girlfriends exist and may very well be serial cheaters.  By presenting hard evidence with the help of our investigators, most partners will finally admit to their cheating ways and cop to marital infidelity.

How many people actually admit to their partners that they’ve cheated?

In our 12 years of experience investigating infidelity cases, we find that only about a third of those who cheat on their partners actually admit to it. And, on average, we find that affairs can last upwards of 2 years and sometimes even longer.

Where do cheaters meet the “other person”?

By far, we find that the “other person” is most often someone from work or a friend from the past or met on a business trip, and away at school.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why should I hire your agency to conduct my infidelity investigation?

STRATEGY INVESTIGATIONS is a full service agency however we have a whole division that is dedicated to matrimonial and domestic cases such as infidelity, cheating wife or cheating husband cases. This division’s primary function is to investigate these types of cases and handles a vast amount per year. Our experience in these cases is unsurpassed and second to none. Non-confidential references can be furnished upon request.

Thursday 5 December 2019


Cheating Spouse

Is your spouse cheating, or do you just want to check him/her out before you get too deep into the relationship?
When you try to talk to your significant other about your feelings and fears, does he dismiss you and call you "crazy"? You are most likely not crazy. Over the last 15 years, we have performed over 13,000 marital investigations. In 97% of these cases, we catch the mate cheating. 
We realize that having to hire a private investigator and discussing a possible affair by your loved one is a difficult thing to do. With that in mind, you have our every assurance that we are committed to using the utmost discretion and good taste in providing you with investigative services that will give you peace of mind to move forward with your life while maintaining your dignity.
These sensitive investigations, which we conduct with the utmost discretion, are usually initiated by one side of a two-party relationship in which, for whatever reason, trust between the two parties has been breached. 

This kind of investigation can involve background checks and other data-gathering. In addition, surveillance is often required to establish an individual's whereabouts and his or her pattern of activity. 
        CALL (+254) 0722 228 293 / 0733 228 293


As a well established, and professional company. our main priority is to preserve the confidentiality of our clients, whilst at the same time, providing an excellent service. Our nationwide client base includes solicitors, large and small corporate firms, and members of the public. We are able to provide security of identity for all of our private clients, who gain peace of mind, in the knowledge that they are able to place their trust in us
CALL US /TEXT/WHATSAPP 0722 228 293 / 0733 228 293
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We are the leading private investigator and detective agencies in the Kenya, we pride ourselves on offering a professional and discreet service. Every detective or private investigator employed by STRATEGY Investigations has a wealth of expertise in a wide range of fields, so it doesn’t matter if you want to look into a spouse’s suspicious behavior, investigating an employee who you believe may be sharing confidential information, or want to prove that somebody is committing fraud, we can help.
We understand that working with a private investigator or detective can be a daunting prospect, which is why we take the time to sit down with every client to gain a thorough understanding of their individual situation before we begin. This means we can provide a completely bespoke personal service, perfectly tailored to your requirements, so that we can consistently deliver the results you are searching for.
With STRATEGY Investigators as your Investigations and Surveillance resource, you or your company effectively acquire an intelligence division. Our professionals will
meet your needs for matrimonial surveillance operations,Sms retrievals skip tracing/debt
collection, pre-employment background checks,Employee fraud detection
and prevention, Crisis Management, asset determination, deleted computer
data recovery, security and risk assessments, loss prevention
strategies, and many more.Strategy Investigators has a proven track record for
professional service in due diligence investigations, workers
compensation, Insurance fraud detection, Corporate Investigations,infidelity,civil,and criminal cases.

Infidelity investigation/ surveillance.
Sms retrievals
Whatsapp messages retrievals now available
Debtor collection
Asset Tracing and recovery
Background check
Due diligence and pre contract verification
DNA testing services.
Fraud Investigations
Insurance claims investigations
Overseas professional investigations
Photographic evidence gathering
Document verification
Skip tracing
Tracing of missing persons, friends and family, witnesses, etc.
CCTV camera sale and installation
Mobile spy software/ cheaters spy software