The age-old image of a private investigator huddled in the back of a car with a long lens trained on a window springs to mind when we think of tracking a cheating partner.
It does happen. Surveillance is still a tool of the trade, as some people simply need to see the act of infidelity to truly believe it. But the game has moved on and the best private investigators in Kenya now focus on the psychological aspect, as much as tracking the cheating partner.
That’s why they generally start by talking through the reasons why you’re suspicious in the first place.
Listen To Your Gut, It’s Normally Right
The sad fact is that your gut feeling something is up often comes from the same telltale signs that a private investigator has seen and heard thousands of times before.
It can be small giveaway signs like becoming protective of their phone, changing their password if you have it and taking certain calls in another room.
Cheaters can even sleep with their phone under their pillow. Seriously, that happens more often than you can imagine.
A cheating partner can also suddenly spend more time on their physical appearance. They can revamp their wardrobe, get their teeth whitened, change the hairstyle they have worn stoically for years and go on a diet.
Is Your Partner Distant And Withdrawn?
Inevitably, if your partner is seeing someone else, they become cold, distant and withdrawn. None of these points is definitive proof on their own, by any stretch of the imagination. But they are real signs that your partner could be playing away from home and they stitch together to form a vivid picture.
Credit card statements and cash withdrawals from unusual places can also give you a dazzling insight into your partner’s life. Cheaters generally try to use cash to hide unusual restaurant and hotel bills, but heavy withdrawals leave their own trace. If they happen just before they go away on business, or when they’re meant to be at work, then there’s a fair chance they’re planning ahead and hiding something.
It Isn’t Always Cheating
In some cases, it isn’t what you think. Some people find out their partner is hiding a drug addiction, which can be just as damaging as an affair and comes with a lot of the same signs of tension, shame and distance. So, be prepared for what your chosen private detective might find.
A good private investigator in Kenya will also take the time to find out when they’re likely to catch your partner in the act. If they suddenly claim to be working late, they’re spending too much time in the gym or they’re spending more time with ‘friends’, then that’s the time they will focus on.
Then it’s down to good old-fashioned surveillance. Of course, the grainy black-and-white photos from old spy movies are a thing of the past. Now you get to see 4K video of your partner straying, which is a blessing and a curse.
Suspect Your Partner Of Being Unfaithful? Let STRATEGY PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS IN KENYA Help You
Suspecting your partner or spouse of cheating is one of the most difficult things to endure in a relationship. It’s not just the betrayal that can hurt – cheaters often lie about other things as well-meaning you may face a difficult fight over the assets of the relationship later on, not to mention custody issues if you have children.
Your suspicion about a cheating partner might arise from an event, a lie or a change in behaviour by your loved one. Most often, your instinct tells you that something is not quite right. It’s an unpleasant feeling to doubt your partner but, in our experience, the feeling is often there for a reason. Being able to detect when something is wrong is an evolutionary skill that has enabled humans to survive through history. In over 95% of cases, a strong suspicion is proven correct, usually through careful investigative work.
So what kind of investigation is necessary in cheating partner cases to confirm whether your suspicions are correct and to allow you to move on, one way or the other?
What Not To Do.
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Before we talk about what you should do about a cheating partner, let’s talk about what you shouldn’t do.
When you become suspicious, your initial response is usually to lash out or confront your partner and accuse him or her of wrongdoing. From a strategic perspective, this is a mistake. When emotions are involved, people only think one or two steps ahead and don’t consider the longer term implications of their actions. If you confront your partner, he or she knows that you are suspicious so it will be harder to prove infidelity. When confronted, your partner will change his or her behaviour and will become more wary of being caught.
If your partner is doing something wrong, whether it involves cheating or something else, we want that person to feel comfortable to continue that behaviour so you can get the proof you need quickly and make a decision about your future. As the famous strategist Sun Tzu said, “Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.”
Another mistake people make is to try to investigate their partner themselves. “A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client,” is a famous saying and the same rule applies for investigations. If you get caught, and you will get caught, you will do just as much damage to your investigation as if you had confronted your partner.
Some people might say that it’s best to be open and honest with your partner if you have concerns about faithfulness. The problem with this approach is that cheaters lie. They have already proven they are willing to act in a deceitful way by engaging in this behaviour in the first place and many unfaithful people will lie on and on and on. We have seen cases where these lies last for many decades.
If you investigate and for some reason you don’t get definitive answers to your questions, there’s always the opportunity to discuss the matter with your partner later but, from a strategic point of view, it’s not wise to start with a discussion.
Also, don’t use spyware or tracking devices. These are in almost all cases illegal (even though some unscrupulous investigators sell them for cheating partner investigations) and will put you at risk of a jail term. They won’t get you the proof you need in any event.
Cheating Partner Investigations
If you are reading this then there’s a good likelihood that you want proof. Evidence of infidelity is not relevant in legal proceedings in Australia but it can be vital for your peace of mind. Also, identifying the person your partner is involved with can become relevant in family law proceedings down the track. Another reason why some people should get evidence of infidelity is because the guilty partner could lie to family and friends about who was responsible for the break-up of the relationship meaning the innocent person can be blamed!
In 12 years of carrying out investigations, we have only ever seen one form of evidence result in peace of mind and that evidence is visual proof. Video footage of a partner showing affection towards another person or going into a person’s residence or hotel room makes all the difference. It enables the person with the suspicion to see with his or her own eyes what is actually happening.
There can be no denying video evidence. Unlike SMS messages, emails, GPS data, rumours or overheard conversations, visual evidence is a completely objective record of what has taken place and is not open to interpretation. If that evidence is obtained, you will get control back over your life as your partner will not be able to lie to you anymore. We want you to come out of a bad relationship as a winner, not a loser and by listening to the advice of experts in this area, you have the best chance of regaining control over your emotions, your finances and your children’s future.
So, how do you get this evidence? By engaging a licensed, experienced and skilled investigation firm to perform surveillance.
Surveillance is an incredibly effective tool in many types of investigation and it also is crucial in cheating partner cases. It is an investigation technique that involves one or more investigators following and observing the subject person at a planned time, taking discreet footage and documenting their observations wherever possible. Surveillance can be conducted on foot, in a vehicle, on a boat or elsewhere. As long as an investigator has sufficient notice, surveillance can be conducted just about anywhere at any time.
While nobody can ever predict with certainty what will happen in the future, by planning the investigation and ensuring the investigator has all relevant information, you can be assured of the best possible outcome. People often get a feeling before a partner gets up to something so contact an investigator as soon as you have any level of suspicion so you can discuss how your case would proceed. You may only get one chance to prove the truth so acting promptly is important.
It costs nothing to contact a private eye and talk through your options. If you don’t have a suspicion regarding a specific opportunity then we know from experience that certain times are better than others. For example, when either you or your partner is out of town there’s a great opportunity to get up to no good because the cheater lets his or her guard down when there’s a physical separation. Work functions are also times of interest, especially in cases of cheating men.
In Summary
In the vast majority of cases, an investigation is the circuit-breaker you need to change the course of your relationship. Even if evidence of actual infidelity is not uncovered, surveillance often enables you to uncover a part of the puzzle that helps you understand the truth.
Sometimes, it is not infidelity that your partner is guilty of – we have seen many cases of gambling, drug and alcohol addictions. Whatever it is that your partner is up to, you deserve to know the truth. Without being able to diagnose the problem, you have no chance of being able to solve it.
We mentioned above that it’s not wise to confront your partner before you have evidence. Well, it’s also not a good idea to confront your partner after you get the proof you need because there may be other issues to resolve first. For example, a lot of cheating partners (especially men) hide assets and income. Some partners make false claims about abuse by their former partner. Evidence gathering in these areas is best done before a separation.
So, keep in mind that investigators can possibly help not just in infidelity but also in the following related areas: child custody disputes, property settlements, hidden assets, locating children, detection of stalking, proof of income for child support and so on.
Anу mаn whо nоtiсеѕ these kindѕ of сhаngеѕ in thеir rеlаtiоnѕhiр should ѕее rеd flаgѕ that indiсаtе thеrе’ѕ ѕоmеthing wrong аnd that it nееdѕ to bе invеѕtigаtеd as there may be a cheating partner situation. Snоорing around on уоur оwn runs the riѕk оf diѕсоvеrу аnd you сеrtаinlу don’t wаnt thаt tо hарреn рrеmаturеlу, еѕресiаllу if thеrе’ѕ no vаliditу to уоur ѕuѕрiсiоnѕ. A bеttеr bet iѕ tо hirе a private invеѕtigаtоr.
If this iѕ true, the fIrѕt thing уоu ѕhоuld do iѕ tо gather evidence. Onе wау to dо ѕо iѕ to engage the ѕеrviсе оf a рrivаtе invеѕtigаtоr. You mау be wоndеring how a рrivаtе invеѕtigаtоr соnduсtѕ аn investigation. Wеll, diffеrеnt investigators dо things diffеrеntlу.
Whеn lооking for a PI for a cheating partner case, уоu оnlу wаnt to wоrk with the rерutаblе рrоfеѕѕiоnаl with years of еxреriеnсе аnd a demonstrated trасk rесоrd оf intеgritу аnd success. Thе investigation оf thiѕ nаturе muѕt bе соnduсtеd professionally ѕо your wifе оr girlfriend dоеѕn’t knоw ѕhе’ѕ undеr surveillance. Although a PI mау соnfirm whаt you fеаr thе mоѕt, thаt she’s ѕlеерing with аnоthеr man оr men, thе invеѕtigаtоr may also diѕmiѕѕ your ѕuѕрiсiоnѕ аnd vеrifу thаt she really iѕ wоrking late оr iѕ оnlу intеrеѕtеd in imрrоving hеrѕеlf рhуѕiсаllу to рlеаѕе уоu.CALL/WHATSAPP +254722 228 293 / +254733 228 293
Dо уоu ѕuѕресt thаt your partner iѕ сhеаting оn уоu? If уоur аnѕwеr iѕ yes, уоu may wаnt tо find оut thе truth. There’s nоthing wоrѕе thаn getting thаt sickening fееling in the рit of уоur ѕtоmасh when уоu ѕuѕресt thаt уоur wifе has been unfaithful. Thе thought that ѕhе mау have bееn intimate with аnоthеr mаn is enough to drive уоu mаd, аnd juѕt as mаddеning iѕ nоt really knowing whеthеr уоur ѕuѕрiсiоnѕ аrе truе. Chаnсеѕ are, if your marriage аnd сhildrеn аrе аt ѕtаkе, уоu may be thinking of divorce.
There аrе numеrоuѕ clues that уоu саn detect thаt will hеlр уоu discover her infidelity. Fоr еxаmрlе, аrе уоu nоtiсing ѕubtlе changes in уоur ѕроuѕе аnd dоn’t undеrѕtаnd whу? Had ѕhе bееn wоrking late, соnсеаling her сеll рhоnе records оr hiding hеr сrеdit card ѕtаtеmеnt from you? Has ѕhе ѕuddеnlу become unintеrеѕtеd in ѕеx, or аrе уоu getting mуѕtеriоuѕ hang-ups, whеn you answer your home рhоnе? Dоеѕ she tаkе a lоt mоrе саrе and hоw she dresses or hаѕ ѕhе suddenly decided to spend mоrе time аt thе gуm wоrking оut tо imрrоvе her figure? If уоu see a number оf thеѕе bеhаviоurѕ in уоur wife оr girlfriеnd, thеn уоu ѕhоuld аѕk whу