Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Strategy Detectives Agency in Kenya

Do you think someone might be spying on your cell phone or computer activity? To the left are some common issues that may indicate that there is spyware or monitoring software surreptitiously installed on your device. If you’re experiencing any of these issues, your device may have been compromised. So how does one find out for sure?  Are there any tell tale signs that your phone is being Tapped, Bugged or Monitored by spy software? Most of the time, No.
Spy software programs for cell phones and computers are becoming more and more popular and there literally hundreds available to the public. They have the ability to transmit your call history, text messages, emails, chat conversations, pictures, and GPS location. Some can intercept your in-progress phone calls or even activate the device microphone to eavesdrop on you while your phone is sitting on your desk or in your pocket. Scary stuff, huh?
These programs aren’t only quick and easy to install, they are designed to be covert and undetectable by the victim. The vendors program the applications so that they run as a hidden application or in background processes. Most of the time it is disguised so well that the application may appear that it belongs there for the phone to operate properly. It could look just like an Android system application, such as “gps_services” and have the little Android Robot beside it.
If you think you are a victim of spyware, we can help. We can detect, identify, and nullify the intrusion. In addition, we can often take steps to help identify the responsible party or obtain the software’s unique “key” for further legal followup.

Infidelity private Investigators in Kenya

Cheating Husband

Men are visual beings and their minds respond to visual temptation. Even the most disciplined man cannot avoid noticing when a woman dresses in a way that draws attention to their body. It’s just in their wiring. So it should come as no surprise that when men cheat they are first satisfying a sexual desire or need. The reason could be lack of sex at home, a lack of experimentation at home, or complete differences between them and their mate sexually. It could be due to growing apart over time or that the wife doesn’t know what their husband’s true desires or fantasies are.
What ever the reason may be, you want to know who he’s cheating with, when he’s seeing them, and where. You deserve to know whether your husband or partner is being faithful or not and Victory can accurately and discreetly get you the evidence you need to move on with your life. This evidence is especially important for a woman who has stood by her husband through thick and thin and is now relying on his income to maintain a certain lifestyle or comfort. Or to a mother concerned about how the future of her children are provided for financially. And last, but certainly not least, this evidence is for the woman who needs peace of mind.
Often times the wife has asked or confronted their husband about their possible infidelity and the man gets defensive, perhaps tells his wife she’s crazy or paranoid. Sometimes these inquiries evoke anger. If any of this sounds familiar, you may want to consider hiring a private investigator to uncover the truth.
Common Signs Your Husband Is Cheating:
  • odd and excessive cell phone use (cell phone locked/password protected, deleting texts, emails, browsing history, etc.)
  • odd and excessive computer use (have their own user account/password required, signs of chatting, Skype’ing, old girlfriends on Facebook, staying up late on the computer, etc.)
  • smell of perfume on him or in his car
  • working out or working out more
  • dressing nicer or differently
  • acting distant towards you
  • not interested in having sex or being intimate with you
  • spending more time away from home
  • working more or on the weekends
  • unavailable at work when you call
  • unexplained receipts/purchases
  • unexplained purchases or payments on bank statements
  • finding hidden condoms
  • he starts a fight and uses it as an excuse to leave the house
Our licensed Private Investigators have the experience, knowledge, and technology to help you uncover the truth. Contact us today to discuss your personal situation and possible options:
CALL/TEXT/WHATSAPP 0722 228 293 / 0733 228 293

Strategy Infidelity investigations in Kenya | Private Detective in Kenya

Strategy Infidelity Investigations | Strategy detective in Kenya
One of the most unsettling feelings is when you believe your spouse might be cheating. Our team of investigators can assist with your infidelity investigation. It’s never easy to admit when someone you love could be cheating but hiring a private investigator will provide you the answers you need.

It’s important to rely on your personal intuition (gut feelings) when it comes to a cheating spouse because your intuition is usually correct. Unfortunately, many spouses do cheat at some point in their relationship. Figuring out whether a spouse has been faithful can help you move past the incident and repair your marriage, or it can give you the confidence you need to confront your partner and proceed with divorce, separation, or other legal remedies.

Consider the following as signs your spouse might have been unfaithful:

Changes in intimacy – A decrease in intimacy levels or the affection you receive from a partner may indicate spousal infidelity. Conversely, an increase of intimacy may be a show of guilt.

Changes in phone or internet usage – An unexplained increase in the number of phone calls a spouse makes might be a sign of spousal infidelity, as well as changes in time spent on the internet.

Changes in routine or schedule – The cliché about a marital infidelity and “late nights at work” isn’t a cliché. Long, unexplained working hours may indicate the need for an investigation.

Changes to personal hygiene – It might be time to consider a private investigation if your significant other makes a radical change to his or her personal hygiene routine, such as taking showers immediately upon arriving home.

Why Hire a Private Investigator?

Investigating a spouse on your own can become an emotionally draining and difficult experience. Not only can the investigation lead to stress, particularly when you’re trying to keep the investigation secret from a spouse, but it’s difficult to investigate someone in a neutral manner when there are feelings and love involved.

Our professional private investigators are experienced in marital infidelity investigations and will do your investigative work quickly and within the boundaries of the law. If it turns out a spouse is caught cheating, our investigators will obtain the evidence required for your legal proceedings.


Trust your infidelity investigation to our experienced private investigators. When you hire our team, you’ll know exactly what’s going on at every step of the process. You’ll never feel like you’re in the dark or not getting the information you need. Let our professionals get the information you need so you can enjoy peace of mind and have the knowledge you need to make the important decisions for your future and the future of your family.

For a confidential consultation with one of our team members, call us @ 0722 228 293/ 0733 228 293

Sunday, 24 May 2020

Infidelity private investigators in Nairobi kenya


Looking for signs of a cheating spouse? Your spouse/partner may be cheating if you notice any of the following changes:

  • • They leave for work earlier than they used to or need to.
  • • They start working overtime or weekends.
  • • They start to travel more out of town, “on business” or “separate vacations.”
  • • They can only be reached by cell phone and not at their hotel while traveling.
  • • They have the same co-workers or employees travel with them on every trip.
  • • They start talking about another person, often!
  • • They don’t return cell phone calls to you as quickly as before.
  • • They have suspicious cell phone numbers stored or dialed.
  • • They keep their phone face down or attached to their hip.
  • • Their cell phone bills contain calls with long duration, especially just after they leave in the morning or just before they get home.
  • • They go to another room to talk on the phone or text.
  • • They recently added a pass code to their phone.
  • • They suddenly change the billing address for the phone.
  • • They no longer receive detailed billing statements for their phone.
  • • They suddenly take more pride and care with their clothes and appearance.
  • • They demonstrate an increased or decreased sexual desire for you.
  • • They are too drunk to come home and spend the night at a “friends” house!
  • • They spend more time with friends at gatherings that don’t include you.
  • • They go out on last minute night out with the boys/girls.
  • • They increase the amount of time they spend online.
  • • They establish new e-mail accounts.
  • • They display more interest in your schedule.
  • • The mileage on the car they use is higher than usual with no apparent reason.
  • • Their clothing smells of perfume or cologne.
  • • You discover unexplained payments and withdrawals on bank statements.
  • • They have unexplained receipts in their wallet or purse.

  • CALL/ WHATSAPP +254 (0722 228 293/0733 228 293)