Tuesday 30 May 2023



Your path to the truth begins here:Strategy private investigators in Kenya. Call/Whatsapp 0722 228 293

Welcome to our website. If you or a loved one are experiencing a personal crisis and are in need of answers, you have come to the right place. We are the most trusted name in Private Investigative services in Kenya. We have been helping people through difficult circumstances for the past twenty-five years. If, after speaking with us, you do not feel that we are the best private detective agency to help you, we will make every attempt to put you in touch with someone who can.

Providing professional investigative services is about getting clients the information they need in order to know the truth and to make informed decisions. This is especially true in family law matters dealing with issues such as domestic infidelity, adultery and child-custody justification. Nothing gives us more pleasure than to help people in this way; to see our clients take the information we provide and move forward to regain trust, order and well-being in their lives.

We understand that there are few experiences in life that are as painful and difficult to cope with than the betrayal of a loved one, or the fear of not knowing if your child is safe and being cared for properly. That is why we will work tirelessly to get you the answers you want; the peace of mind you deserve; and the proof of any wrongdoing you need.

private investigators in Kenya


Suspecting your spouse or partner is being unfaithful can be a nightmare fraught with seemingly unending lies and fights. The Strategy’s infidelity investigations and cheating spouse investigators in Kenya put an end to the deceit and give you solid evidence to move forward. All investigations are conducted with the utmost professionalism and discretion, and all evidence gathered is transferred to you upon completion.

There are many signs of infidelity, though none provide solid enough evidence to make hard conclusions. The most obvious sign may just be a gut feeling that the person you’ve come to know so well is acting differently, treating your differently or showing signs of dishonesty. If your partner is being overly defensive about phone calls or internet activity, regularly ignoring your calls, become more absent or detached, they may be having an affair. The Strategy private investigators in Kenya investigates activities, meetings, phone calls, internet messages and more to stop the lies and get you the answers you deserve.

Put an end to the suspicion and fights today. Call /Whatsapp Strategy private investigators in Kenya to learn more about infidelity investigations.

Signs of a possibly cheating partner?


You might notice changes in your partner’s…

  • Behavior
  • Appearance
  • Activities
  • Attitude or they way they treat you
  • You might notice small things that seem to make your partner nervous when discussed.

Monday 29 May 2023



Infidelity & Child Custody Investigations in Kenya
Investigations on people that are part of your home life are called Domestic Investigations. A domestic investigation may be performed on a child, a husband, a wife, a lover, a significant other, a mom, a dad, or some other family member. Infidelity investigations determine if a spouse or lover is involved with someone else. Child Custody investigations help establish appropriate custodial roles and visitation rights for divorced or separating parents.
If you are getting engaged, a pre-marital investigation will find truth behind your potential partner before you risk heartache, physical abuse or financial loss. We can perform a complete background investigation to find out about previous marriages, civil and criminal court actions, where they have lived, where they have worked, who they have associated with, and other potential indicators of problems.
Do you have a cheating spouse, future spouse, or significant other seeing someone else? Are you worried about a divorce settlement or child custody issues? Do you really have reasons to be concerned? The worry can affect your entire world - how you react at work, at home, with friends and family. It affects your health, how you eat, how you sleep (or don't sleep). The fear and, yes, the anger, drain your energy and numb your spirit. Nothing is more draining than the fear that you are living with a cheating lover or that you are living with a spouse engaging in infidelity.
Our goal is to help restore the balance in your life by providing the truth about your suspicions of infidelity. You need answers that cannot be refuted, evidence that cannot be denied. In short you need objective information about possible cheating, one way or the other, so that you can either set your mind at ease or begin to rebuild. Strategy private investigators in Kenya will discreetly and confidentially uncover the facts you need to make difficult decisions and we will do so without endangering yourself or your relationship.
What are the signs of a cheating spouse? How can you tell if your husband or wife is having an adulterous affair? There are many indications of problems and while they are not conclusive, the presence of several of them certainly raise questions and provide warning signs of infidelity. The signs of a cheating lover may include:
- Spending unusual amounts of time away from home.
- Suddenly deciding to work late or go back to work.
- Increasingly difficult to reach by phone.
- Driving more than usual.
- Looking around constantly when you are out together.
- Suddenly deciding not to go somewhere or dodging some place.
- Wanting to know your schedule and where you will go.
- Not returning calls in a reasonable time.
- Having private conversations on the phone.
- Answering the home phone more frequently.
- Checking voice mail privately.
- Unusually long calls on the phone bill.
- Keeping the phone bill or other bills hidden.
- Keeping the cell phone off or on vibrate.
- Showing a change in the frequency (more/less) of sex.
- Having unusual smells (cologne, perfume) on clothes
- Developing an interest in sex related materials - videos, toys, Viagra.
- Seeming lost in thought more often.
- Using the computer in private more often.
- Changing passwords on the computer or other accounts.
- Using free e-mail services like Yahoo! and Hotmail.
- Securing their laptop computer from you.
- Keeping a private area - car, room, office.
- Leaving you alone a lot while you are out.
- Finding reasons not to be intimate.
- Getting defensive or angry over questions about activities.
- Developing a moody attitude.
- Suddenly becoming exuberant and happy for no reason.
- Suddenly becoming despondent or angry for no reason.
- Neglecting you and the home.
- Changes in wardrobe or personal appearance.
- Talking about new people, places and things.
- Suddenly not talking about people, places, or things.
- Changes in schedules and habits that have been kept for years.
- Traveling more often than before.
- Changes in personality, attitudes, and beliefs.
- Changes in eating preferences (places, foods, spices).
If your lover or spouse shows several of these signs, then you may want to have a consultation with a professional to discuss your options. Strategy Private Investigations in Kenya will provide you a free and confidential phone or in-person consultation with absolutely no judgment about you or your spouse, no pressure to take our services, and we will do it with absolute confidentiality. Your safety, your security, and your secrecy is our biggest concern, not trying to sign you up for services you may not need.
Most domestic investigations involve surveillance. You may want to check our page on surveillance to find out more of what this entails. We perform surveillance of your partner so that we can obtain videos and photographs of their activities during times that you suspect they are, or may be, cheating on you. We strive to either prove sufficiently that they are not cheating so that you can feel assured the problems arise from other areas or to provide irrefutable evidence of their cheating. You will get then be able to confront your spouse with confidence to correct the situation or deliver the evidence to your attorney so that you (and your children if you have any) can get the best settlement from the court.
It is natural to feel guilty when you consider hiring a investigator to investigate your spouse, but you shouldn't. You are hiring a professional to simply determine the truth of your circumstances not to try and make your spouse look bad. There is some reason you are suspicious and it is affecting your life and your relationship. If your spouse or lover is not guilty of infidelity, if they are not doing something inappropriate, maybe something else will be uncovered that is the root of problem. If not, then at least your fears and doubts will be relieved so you can strengthen your relationship and move ahead with confidence.
Most infidelity investigations take from one to two weeks to complete. At the end of the investigation you obtain video and photographs that not only document the investigator's time but provide you the evidence of innocence or guilt. These are delivered along with a complete written report documenting every activity of your spouse during the surveillance. The dates and times are broken down minute by minute and will match the video provided to you. You will also receive an invoice that will match the dates and times on the written report and the corresponding video documentation.
In some cases GPS tracking can be used to decrease the cost of your investigation. The investigators can watch your spouse covertly as he or she drives around town. When your spouse leaves suddenly or doesn't come home, the investigator can determine where they are and, if it is deemed necessary, go obtain video of their location and the person or persons they are with. This decreases the hours that would normally be required for surveillance saving you the hourly charges for an investigator.
Regardless of the method used, Strategy private Investigations in Kenya will maintain your secrecy. Your lover or spouse need never know you had them investigated unless you or your attorney decide to reveal the evidence.
Call/Whatsapp us today and receive a very accurate quote for an infidelity investigation. Our extensive experience in infidelity investigations provides us the knowledge to know what questions to ask to give you a complete and realistic price and it is a price that we stand behind. We don't just quote hourly rates and retainers, we tell you how much it will take to get the job completed to your satisfaction.



CALL/WHATSAPP +254722 228 293

Look over the list below, if this sounds even remotely familiar, you need to call us today. There is nothing worse then the feeling of suspicion of a loved one, and until you know for sure, such thoughts could take a serious toll on your own well being as well as the well being of your relationship.
Excessive or discreet use of the computer
Overtime hours or holdovers with work
Hiding of phone, credit card, or bank account history
Excessive arguing of facts related to time
Blaming, defensive behavior
Negative projections behavior – accusing you of an affair
Lack of sexual interest or abnormal renewed sexual interest
Abnormal call activity at the home or cell phones – Hang ups and long tones
Removal of pictures or photos from wallet
Lost wedding ring
Singles behavior – out with friends
These are only some of the signs
Many times, email, messenger activity, and other communication mediums are a part of the infidelity investigation process. Several members of our Strategy Private Investigator in Kenya team also consult for our computer forensics and internet use service group and can help advise you on how to discover and use our investigations with your discovery process.

We understand completely that discretion is paramount in these types of investigations. No matter what your level in society, we are equipped with the tools to track and confirm any suspicions completely undetected. With Strategy Private Investigators in Kenya, you are 100% assured and guaranteed complete confidentiality.

Thursday 25 May 2023



We understand how painful it is to learn that the person you love is a cheater, a liar and someone who turned out to be a different person altogether. Coming to terms with the fact that your significant other may be committing adultery or infidelity is very difficult. You want to believe that it is your imagination and you don’t have a cheating spouse, but your gut feeling tells you something is wrong. When you have this feeling you need to find the truth…that is where our private investigators come in.
An investigation into a cheating spouse is already stressful enough. You are already overloaded with difficult decisions, you don’t need another one. We put together our most requested services and products and combined them into an easy package format. If the packages don’t work for what you are wanting to do, just let us know, we can build one for you. You also have the choice of picking our services and products individually. Take advantage of the discounts we offer when you pick a package. Some of them will save you quite a bit of money.
What is the next step? The first thing you need to realize is that this in not your decision. The decision that may have a major impact on your life may have already been made for you by your significant other. You need to realize that you your actions from this point may dictate the next several years of your life. Get ahead of this now, while you still can. Your first step is to get evidence of an affair.

Thursday 18 May 2023



Infidelity can be a life changing experience, get ahead and find the truth. Protect your health, mind, financials and live in reality. A private investigator is a priceless investment to keep you informed and sane.
It’s not in your best interest to wait; Once you notice that your partner is possibly cheating. One of the main reasons that you don’t want to be in the dark about an infidelity is your partner maybe making plans to move assets and is engaging in asset protection programs. That’s right once a person cheats than you can expect they have other plans with the new man or lady and without you in the picture; Therefore, he or she will start thinking about protecting their financial interest at your cost. I know it sounds cruel and unfair but that’s how life goes.
One of the greatest heartbreaks a person can experience is caused by the infidelity of a spouse, girl friend, boy friend or significant other. Unfortunately, most of the time when a person suspects the other party of cheating, the suspicion turns out to be true.
Request Infidelity Investigation at Strategy Private Investigators in Kenya, we understand that you are already experiencing emotional pain when you come to us for help. We are sensitive to the situation, but well aware that documentation of infidelity will allow you to move on with your life. Whether you need to present evidence in court or just want proof one way or the other so you can have peace of mind, we can help.
We use state-of-the art surveillance equipment and techniques as well as time-honored binoculars and old-fashioned stake-outs. Subjects who are the object of surveillance often are themselves suspicious someone is watching them. This makes them cautious and evasive. We understand this and take the steps necessary to avoid detection so that we can obtain the best possible documentation.
Private investigator surveillance infidelity
Private investigator conducting surveillance with cameras for infidelity cases
Life should be about truth… people relationships should be based upon the truth. Not often it is like what we expect, feel or think… so that’s when the infidelity private investigator comes in play, to investigate and figure out what devious slick people are betraying their significant other. And in though situation of a legal case you will need undisputed strong proof that cheating and infidelity did occur. Infidelity private investigators have learned that when the suspects of cheating are caught than a separation or divorce case becomes more smoother; Since the guilt of the cheater starts it’s course. You will learn the hard way that you have been betrayed but it will give peace in the mind and you will be able to close a chapter, and keep going. You will always be the winner at the end; When you start an infidelity investigation and get the truth.
We may end up spending long hours sitting in a hot car in a sunny day , or maybe worse if it’s a cold freezing day; Strategy Private Investigators in Kenya is that wait patiently to video capture and follow the subject / target that we are investigating. We will be alert and ready to follow when the occasion presents itself.
We know how to observe people from a distance in order to avoid detection and how to record the important documentation on video in the split second it may be presented to us. You can trust us to be discreet and objective when obtaining the evidence you need.


private investigators in Kenya


Catch Cheating Spouse in Kenya.Do you suspect that your spouse or partner could be cheating on you? There are many tell-tale signs that can leave an uncomfortable feeling that “something just isn’t right.”
Strategy Private Investigators in Kenya has the best, most experienced private investigators in the industry for “catching a cheating spouse” and are recognized experts in undercover operations and surveillance.

We know that investigating a cheating spouse/partner can be a sensitive matter. There are key signals and behaviors that you can look for, some that are obvious, while others are not. The bottom line is knowing the truth.

We have worked on countless cases related to infidelity over the years and can help with your specific scenario – no matter the obstacle. Below are some examples of the behaviors and signs of a cheating spouse/partner:

Signs To Look For
They tell you, “It’s your imagination.”
They say, “You are being paranoid.”
They try to convince you that “It’s all in your head.”
Are they using their cell phone or computer in private?
Do they have secret online dating profiles?
Are they making excuses for not returning your calls in a timely fashion?
Do they have a change in normal patterns?
Do they have unexplained payments or bank statements?
Do they hide their receipts?
Do they have a sudden urge to go to the gym?
Do they wear a different wardrobe or constantly look at their appearance?
Are there more “guys” nights out or “girl’s nights out?
We will employ every tactic available to us to provide you with the evidence that will help to bring closure. We know how to catch a cheating spouse/partner, and there is nothing like the element of surprise when it comes to surveillance. We want the suspect to feel as comfortable and as safe as possible, which will improve the integrity of our surveillance.

Our private investigations are not limited to just putting a tail on your partner’s vehicle. If they go into a hotel, a restaurant, a club, or any other public place, we will follow them inside in an effort to not only secure covert photographs, but even attempt to get close enough to hear conversations.

Not all cheaters will be comfortable with public displays of affection. The closer we get, the more we can learn about the extent of the relationship. We have enough experience with infidelity cases to know when people are just friends, business associates or if they are actual lovers being intimate.

If there is any doubt whatsoever, do yourself a favor and give us a CALL/WHATSAPP 0722 228 293 or submit your inquiry via email to get the process started. Peace of mind is priceless.

Thursday 11 May 2023

private investigators in mombasa


Are you looking for a caring private investigator in London at an affordable cost? Contact the experts at the Strategy private investigation agency for an immediate response and great results. Whether you live in Mombasa,kisumu,Nairobi,Malindi,Eldoret,any town across we can cover your needs and are here for you now.Your enquiry may be for personal reasons; our specialists can help by providing prompt answers. Maybe you have problems in your business that require the services of a licensed private detective; our agents can act now. No issue is too minor or complex so trust Strategy's reliable private investigators for a full range of discreet professional services. Make that call and get support before the problem gets worse.
Why Hire Strategy Private Investigator? When you get through to a private detective you’ll have the chance to take as much time as you need to talk over all your concerns so that the most cost effective course of action can be found. Don’t feel daunted about contacting us as you’ll find that our specialists at the Strategy private investigation agency are approachable and sympathetic and genuinely care about your problems.You’ll be given advice on the most effective ways to get the answers you need and if you decide to go ahead you are assured that our expert private detectives work quickly, as they are familiar with all areas named above, so charges are kept to an absolute minimum. We use the most sophisticated investigative methods and devices, which are foolproof and give consistently accurate results. Contact the Strategy private investigation agency today; the capital’s number one choice for professional confidential services. You can talk to us now
For our full range of services

Wednesday 10 May 2023



CALL/TEXT/WHATSAPP +254722 228 293

Our Private Investigators offer a large variety of investigation services into your partner or spouse. These include partner surveillance, debugging, tracking, general investigations and intelligence work. Suspect your partner or spouse is cheating?

Suspecting your partner or spouse of cheating is one of the most difficult things to endure in a relationship. It’s not just the betrayal that can hurt – cheaters often lie about other things as well meaning you may face a difficult fight over the assets of the relationship later on, not to mention custody issues if you have children.

Your suspicion about a cheating partner might arise from an event, a lie or a change in behaviour. Most often, your instinct tells you that something is not quite right. It’s an unpleasant feeling to doubt your partner but, in our experience, the feeling is often there for a reason. Being able to detect when something is wrong is an evolutionary skill that has enabled humans to survive through history. In the majority of cases, a strong suspicion is proven correct, usually through careful investigative work.

So what kind of investigation is necessary to confirm whether your suspicions are correct and to allow you to move on, one way or the other?

What Not To Do

Before we talk about what you should do about a cheating partner, let’s talk about what you shouldn’t do.

When you become suspicious, your initial response is usually to lash out or confront your partner and accuse them of wrongdoing. From a strategic perspective, this is a mistake. When emotions are involved, people only think one or two steps ahead and don’t consider the longer term implications of their actions. If you confront your partner, they will know that you are suspicious so it will be harder to prove infidelity. When confronted, your partner will change their behaviour and will become more wary of being caught.

If your partner is doing something wrong, whether it involves cheating or something else, we want that person to feel comfortable to continue that behaviour so you can get the proof you need quickly and make a decision about your future.

Another mistake people make is to try to investigate their partner themselves. If you get caught, you will do just as much damage to your investigation as if you had confronted your partner.

Some people might say that it’s best to be open and honest with your partner if you have concerns about faithfulness. The problem with this approach is that cheaters lie. They have already proven they are willing to act in a deceitful way by engaging in this behaviour in the first place and many unfaithful people will lie on and on and on. We are aware of cases where these lies last for many years.

If you investigate and for some reason you don’t get definitive answers to your questions, there’s always the opportunity to discuss the matter with your partner later but, from a strategic point of view, it’s not wise to start with a discussion. Also, don’t use spyware or tracking devices. These are in almost all cases illegal.



If you are reading this then there’s a good likelihood that you want proof. Evidence of infidelity is not relevant in legal proceedings in Kenya but it can be vital for your peace of mind. Also, identifying the person your partner is involved with can become relevant in family law proceedings down the track. Another reason why some people should get evidence of infidelity is because the guilty partner could lie to family and friends about who was responsible for the break-up of the relationship meaning the innocent person can be blamed.

In many years of carrying out investigations, we have only ever seen one form of evidence result in peace of mind and that evidence is visual proof. Video footage of a partner showing affection towards another person or going into a person’s residence or hotel room makes all the difference. It enables the person with the suspicion to see with their own eyes what is actually happening.

There can be no denying video evidence. Unlike text messages, emails, GPS data, rumours or overheard conversations, visual evidence is a completely objective record of what has taken place and is not open to interpretation. If that evidence is obtained, you will get control back over your life as your partner will not be able to lie to you anymore. We want you to come out of a bad relationship as a winner, not a loser and by listening to the advice of experts in this area, you have the best chance of regaining control over your emotions, your finances and your children’s future.

So, how do you get this evidence? By engaging a licensed, experienced and skilled private investigation firm to perform surveillance.


Surveillance is an incredibly effective tool in many types of investigation and it is crucial in cheating partner cases. It is an investigation technique that involves one or more investigators following and observing the subject person at a planned time, taking discreet footage and documenting their observations wherever possible. Surveillance can be conducted on foot, in a vehicle, on a boat or elsewhere. As long as an investigator has sufficient notice, surveillance can be conducted just about anywhere at any time.

While nobody can ever predict with certainty what will happen in the future, by planning the investigation and ensuring the investigator has all relevant information, you can be assured of the best possible outcome. People often get a feeling before a partner gets up to something so contact an investigator as soon as you have any level of suspicion so you can discuss how your case would proceed. You may only get one chance to prove the truth so acting promptly is important.

It costs nothing to contact an investigator and talk through your options. If you don’t have a suspicion regarding a specific opportunity then we know from experience that certain times are better than others. For example, when either you or your partner is out of town there’s a great opportunity to get up to no good because the cheater lets their guard down when there’s a physical separation. Work events are also times of interest.


In the vast majority of cases, an investigation is the circuit-breaker you need to change the course of your relationship. Even if evidence of actual infidelity is not uncovered, surveillance often enables you to uncover a part of the puzzle that helps you understand the truth.

Sometimes, it is not infidelity that your partner is guilty of – we have seen many cases of gambling, drug and alcohol addictions. Whatever it is that your partner is up to, you deserve to know the truth. Without being able to diagnose the problem, you have no chance of being able to solve it.

We mentioned above that it’s not wise to confront your partner before you have evidence. Well, it’s also not a good idea to confront your partner after you get the proof you need because there may be other issues to resolve first. For example, a lot of cheating partners hide assets and income. Some partners make false claims about abuse by their former partner. Evidence gathering in these areas is best done before a separation.

So, keep in mind that investigators can possibly help not just in infidelity but also in the following related areas: child custody disputes, property settlements, hidden assets, locating children, detection of stalking, proof of income for child support and so on.

Sunday 7 May 2023


       CALL/WHATSAPP +254722 228 293

The Four "Stages" Women Often Move Through During The Course Of Their Long Term Relationships


Several years into my research I was able to identify distinctive patterns and behaviors in the women interviewed.  I categorized these into four separate "stages" that women often experience during the course of their long-term relationships. The stages begin with a loss of sexual desire.


Stage 1

Women at Stage 1 feel as though something is missing in their lives. They have all the things that they wanted - a home, a family, a great husband - but they feel they should be happier. Over time, many women in this stage begin to lose interest in sexIt is not uncommon for them to spend a great deal of energy trying to avoid physical contact with their husbands because they fear it might lead to a sexual encounter. They frequently complain of physical ailments to avoid having sex and often try to avoid going to bed at the same time as their husbands. They view sex as a job, not unlike doing the dishes or going to the grocery store. Some women in Stage 1 claim they feel violated when their husbands touch them.  Their bodies freeze up and they feel tightness in their chest and/or a sick feeling in their stomach. The majority of women in Stage 1 feel as though there is something wrong with them, that they are in some way defective. They are also fearful that their disinterest in sex will cause their husbands to cheat, or worse yet, leave them.


Stage 2

Women at Stage 2 experience reawakened desire stimulated by an encounter outside the marital relationship. Whether these encounters with a "new" man involves sex or remain platonic, women will typically give a tremendous amount of emotional significance to these encounters.

Many women in this stage haven't felt any sexual desire for a long time. Many experience tremendous guilt and regret, regardless of whether their new relationships are sexual, merely emotional, or both. Most begin to experience what could be termed an identity crisis - even those who try to put the experience behind them. Constant reminders are everywhere. They feel guilt when the topic of infidelity arises, whether in the media, in conversations with family and friends, or at home with their husbands. Women in this stage can no longer express their prior disdain for infidelity without feeling like hypocrite. They feel as though they have lost a part of themselves. Reflecting society's belief that women are either "good" or "bad," women will question their "good girl" status and feel that they might not be deserving of their husbands. Many will try to overcome feelings of guilt by becoming more attentive toward and appreciative of their husbands. However, over time many women will move from appreciation to justification. In order to justify their continued desire for other men, women will begin to attribute these desires to needs that are not being met in their marriage, or to their husband's past behavior. Many women will become negative and sarcastic when speaking of their husbands and their marriages and it is not uncommon for an extramarital affair to follow. 



Stage 3

Women at Stage 3 are involved in affairs, ending affairs, or contemplating divorce. Women who are having affairs experience feelings unlike anything they have experienced before. They feel "alive" again and many believe they have found their soul mates. These women are experiencing feelings associated with a chemically altered state, or what is typically referred to as being in love.

These women are also typically in tremendous pain, the pain of choosing between their husbands and their new love interests. They typically believe that what they are doing is wrong and unfair to their husbands, but yet are unable to end their affairs. Many often try several times. Prior to meeting with their lovers, they will vow that it will be the last time, but they are unable to stick with their decisions.

Unable to end their extramarital relationships, women at Stage 3 conclude that their lovers are soul mates because they are unaware that they have become addicted to the high caused by chemicals released during the initial stages of a relationship. Many live in a state of limbo for years. "Should I stay married or should I get a divorce?" this is the question continuously on the minds of women at Stage 3 - it is also common for women at this stage to attempt to initiate separation. In most cases, husbands of women at Stage 3, will launch futile attempts to make their wives happy by being more attentive, spending more time at home and helping out around the house. Regardless of women's past and present complaints, the last thing women at Stage 3 want, is to spend more time with their husbands.

The reason many women will give for their desire to separate is a "search for self." They convince their husbands that they might be able to save their marriage if they can just have time to themselves. They tell their husbands that time apart is the only hope of improving their current situation. Women at this stage want to free themselves of the restrictions of marriage and spend more time with their lovers. Most think that eventually their confusion will disappear.  They think they will eventually know with certainty whether they want to stay married or get divorced and be with their lovers. Separation allows women at this stage, to enjoy the high they experience with their lovers without giving up the security of their marriages. Husbands of Stage 3 women are often unaware that their wives are having affairs. Their lack of suspicion is typically due to their wife's disinterest in sex and in their belief that their wife is a "good girl."

Women at Stage 3 may also be experiencing the ending of an extramarital affair, and the ending may not have been their decision. They may have been involved with single men who either lost interest because the relationship could not progress or who became attracted to another women who was single. Women whose affairs are ending often experience extreme grief. They may become deeply depressed and express tremendous anger toward their husbands. They are typically unaware that they are experiencing chemical withdrawal due to sudden changes in their brain chemistry. As a result, many will feel that they have missed their chance at happiness due to their indecisiveness.

Believing they have become more aware of what they want and need from a mate, women at this stage will often place the utmost importance on finding a "new" relationship that will give them the feeling they experienced in their affairs. A new relationship with a new partner will also represent a clean slate, a chance for these women to regain their "good girl" status. Some women will search for new partners during their separations. Others will return to their marriages, but not emotionally and still continue to search. Some women will resume sporadic sexual relations with their husbands in an effort to safeguard their marriage until they make a decision. Although they are often not sexually attracted to their husbands, desire is temporarily rekindled when they suspect their husbands are unfaithful, are contemplating infidelity, or when their husbands show signs of moving on.


Stage 4

The women in stage four included those who chose to stay married and continue their affairs and those who chose to divorce. Some of the women who continued their affairs stated that marital sex was improved by maintaining the extramarital relationship. Some thought the lover was a soul mate, but for one reason or another did not leave their husband and did not feel torn between the two. Others realized that their feelings were intensified by not sharing day-to-day living arrangements with their lover. Almost all of the women in this latter category were having affairs with married men. They believed their affairs could continue indefinitely without disrupting either partner's primary relationship. The women who chose divorce and were in the beginning stages of a new relationship typically expressed relief at having finally made a decision and reported feeling normal again. Many of the divorced women who had remarried and were several years into their new marriages seemed somewhat reluctant to talk about the specifics of their past experiences. However, they did mention feelings of guilt and regret for having hurt their children and ex-spouses only to find themselves experiencing similar feelings in the new relationship.