Wednesday 26 July 2023



Recognizing Signs of a Cheating Spouse in a Partner:
Here are some examples to consider:

Change in behavior: Sudden changes in your spouse's behavior, such as increased secrecy, unexplained absences, or being emotionally distant, could be a sign of infidelity.

Increased use of technology: If your spouse becomes overly protective of their phone, computer, or social media accounts, it could indicate they are hiding something or engaging in online communication with someone else.

Suspicious financial activities: Unusual financial transactions, unaccounted expenses, or hidden credit card statements may suggest that your spouse is spending money on someone else or trying to keep their spending habits hidden.

Decreased intimacy: A sudden decline in intimacy, including a lack of interest in sexual activities or a change in their affectionate behavior, may be a sign of infidelity.

Excessive grooming and appearance changes: If your spouse suddenly starts paying more attention to their appearance, dressing differently, or adopting new grooming habits, it could indicate they are trying to impress someone else.

Increased working hours or frequent business trips: Unexplained overtime at work, last-minute business trips, or a sudden change in work patterns without a valid reason might be a cover for spending time with someone else.

Emotional detachment: Your spouse may seem emotionally distant, less engaged in conversations, or easily irritable. They might be mentally preoccupied with their affair and show less interest in your relationship.

Changes in social circle: If your spouse starts spending more time with new friends or colleagues and avoids introducing you to them, it could be a way to maintain secrecy about their affair.

Gut instinct or intuition: Sometimes, you may have a strong feeling that something is not right in your relationship. Trust your intuition if you suspect infidelity and consider gathering more evidence.

It's important to remember that these signs are not definitive proof of infidelity but can serve as red flags warranting further investigation. If you have concerns, our expert team at Strategy private Investigations is ready to help you find the answers you seek.

Friday 21 July 2023

           Is Your Partner Social Media Cheating?
CALL/WHATSAPP 0722 228 293

The advent of social media has greatly improved our ability to communicate with friends, family and even colleagues outside of work. However, it has also enabled us to meet and talk to strangers with ease and to potentially carry out an affair. That’s led to the rise of social media cheating.

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at cheating on social media sites and how to know when it’s happening.

What is social media cheating?

Social media cheating can fall under the umbrella of digital cheating or having an online affair. Simply put, it’s where social media is used either to find someone to have an affair with, or to carry out the infidelity itself.

It may be that the affair is entirely conducted through social media and the cheater never physically interacts with the other person. Social accounts may be used to send sexual content or even have cybersex, but this doesn’t make it any less real than heading to a hotel.

This isn’t always the case when it comes to cheating on social media however. The accounts or apps may just be used to communicate between or arrange rendezvous and could go hand in hand with a typical physical affair.

How to spot social media cheating

Most people don’t have access to their partner or spouse’s social media accounts, so it can be tricky to spot any changes. Cheaters also wouldn’t display anything publicly that could lead to them being caught cheating online unless by mistake.

In most cases of social media cheating, cheaters tend to stick to the private messaging features within social apps. Some people do comment or post inappropriate content from their normal profiles however, such as liking or replying to sexual images of others.

Sometimes, they won’t realise you can see that they’ve liked or commented. In other cases, they might argue this isn’t classed as cheating in their books.

They may also create entirely new accounts just for the purpose of cheating. The most common method to determine if your partner is cheating online is if you catch them on an unfamiliar or encrypted social apps. You may also notice that they are spending more time than normal on social apps. They may even get tagged in seemingly innocent messages or photos by someone you haven’t heard of before that could be written off as a work colleague or old friend.

There are also instances where friends or family members of the victim see clear evidence of the cheater engaging with another person in an inappropriate manner. While these dramatic stories tend to make the gossip columns or get circulated on social media, you can’t rely on a cheater slipping up so obviously to catch them being unfaithful.

Get the proof you need

Do you suspect your partner or spouse of cheating through social media? With Strategy private investigators in Kenya, you can find out for sure. Our matrimonial and partner surveillance services use the latest in technical surveillance techniques to monitor their online accounts for suspicious activity and find the proof you need.

Tuesday 4 July 2023


               CALL/WHATSAPP 0722 228 293


Monday 3 July 2023



Infidelity Investigations
It's hard to imagine anything more devastating than finding out the person you love is being unfaithful. Yet the uncertainty that comes with not knowing can sometimes be equally traumatic and emotionally draining. Possibly more so if it continues over time. Often we become so afraid to have our worst fears confirmed that we end up prolonging the pain and worry hoping it will go away. Even healthy relationships can be severely damaged when you're uncertain of your partner.
Unlike some Investigators who believe their job is to "bust" someone, we see things differently. Our people clearly understand that first and foremost our goal is to determine the facts and gather evidence to remove the uncertainty, to help our clients move on whatever the results may be. For this reason when an investigator is assigned a case we make sure that they have a good understanding of the situation and the clients specific concerns.
Cheating Spouse/Divorce
Having an unfaithful partner is difficult enough but marriage can make the situation much more complicated. Our Investigators understand this and will work with you or your attorney to provide the hard evidence you need to make your case for divorce. Whether you are together or separated we have the experience and the resources to help you move forward.
Infidelity Investigations
Trust is like virginity. You only lose it once. When I wrote Infidelity – Exploding the Myths, it was for women and men worldwide. I wanted it to be a calm voice of reason for those caught in the grip of despair when infidelity strikes.

My infidelity investigations expertise comes from not only what I see and hear every day but from my own personal experience. So therefore, I cannot stress enough that when you notice those out of character changes, when you experience that niggling feeling (intuition) that won’t go away, when you have confronted your partner who flatly denies everything, when you have been told that you’re becoming paranoid and insecure or when your made to feel it’s all your fault, don’t delay any further your intuition is rarely wrong.

In fact, in all my experience I have never had a client be wrong yet. At this point, it is important to keep a log of anything that appears out of the ordinary. Perhaps the mobile phone is turned off at lunchtime or they need to keep the phone with them at all times and only answer or make calls when they are away from you.

Another very important telltale sign is your sex life or lack of. It is interesting to note that men more so than women can keep the sex going at home whilst in the midst of an affair. If you, however, find that your husband does lose interest at home this is a time for concern because this usually means the affair has moved from just sexual to emotional.

In long-term marriages, the desire by your partner to try sexual positions that have never been tried before also brings to your attention that they have either seen or experienced this recently. The biggest misconception people have about extramarital relationships is that they often say to me “I don’t think it’s sexual yet they’re probably just having a coffee or lunch”. My experience is that by the time a client has phoned me they have gone through a process in their mind. That process has taken time and the reason they are talking with me is because they already know it’s sexual but cannot admit it to themselves.

Based on my experience doing infidelity investigations for years, the important thing to remember is that people having affairs do not go public with their affections but always look for privacy. Finally, if you are going through a betrayal, you are probably feeling that your whole world is consumed with pain and there is no way out. Let me tell you there is. First, you need to find out the truth because knowledge will give you back the power and believe me you will come out the other end a much richer and wiser person.

To speak confidentially with team kindly CALL/WHATSAPP 0722 228 293



Our investigators possess the skills necessary to bring your case to a quick and successful conclusion. To be a good investigator takes training and years of experience. Our investigators have honed their skills over decades of experience through a wide array of civil and criminal cases. Let us put these skills to work for you.
At Strategy private Investigations we pride ourselves as being great Private Investigators in Nairobi Kenya and surrounding areas, and using the best cutting edge technology. Today’s surveillance equipment is evolving at a very fast pace, and we stay on the forefront using the latest and highest quality equipment available. We not only possess the equipment but have the expertise to employ it effectively and at the right time. Call us to discuss our investigative capabilities with our great team of Private Investigator Kenya has locally!