Tuesday 6 September 2016


                 Adultery or Infidelity Investigations (Marital):

  Suspecting your mate of having an affair can be a very emotionally overwhelming experience. To be sure of anything you need facts. Strategy investigators will investigate the suspicious activity, helping you attain the truth you need to make important decisions in your life.
    Feelings of disappointment, anger, uncertainty, betrayal and confusion can cloud rational thinking. There is no reason to live a moment longer wondering and in pain. If you are facing having to deal with infidelity we can facilitate an in depth, discrete investigation to find out for certain. With knowing the truth, comes peace of mind and in situations like these, certainty is priceless. We provide a free consultation and have a team of investigators nationwide able to track down and find out the truth. With strategy investigators agents all over the country, out of region trips no longer prove to be an obstacle or excessive expense in finding out the activities of your suspicious spouse.

Look over the list below; if this sounds even remotely familiar, you need to call us today. There is nothing worse than the feeling of suspicion of a loved one, and until you know for sure, such thoughts could take a serious toll on your own well being as well as the well being of your relationship

    • Excessive or discreet use of the computer
    • Overtime hours or holdovers with work
    • Hiding of phone, credit/debit card, or bank accounts histories
    • Excessive arguing of facts related to time
    • Blaming, defensive behavior
    • Negative projections behavior - accusing you of an affair
    • Lack of sexual interest or abnormal renewed sexual interest
    • Abnormal call activity at the home or cell phones - Hang ups and long tones
    • Removal of pictures or photos from wallet
    • Lost wedding ring
    • Singles behavior - out with friends
    • These are only some of the signs

    Many times email, messenger activity, the workplace, and other communication mediums are aggravators in the process. Several members of our investigations team also consult for our computer forensics and internet use service group and can help advise you on how to discover and use our investigations with your discovery process.
    We understand completely that discretion is paramount in these investigations. No matter your level in society we are equipped with the tools to track and confirm any suspicions completely undetected. With Strategy investigators you are 100% assured and guaranteed complete confidentiality. We can, in most circumstances, also complete a background investigation and profile of the "Unknown Subjects”. If desired Strategy investigators has the ability to provide you with a complete report on the other person, pictures included.

    If you are married and you suspect your significant other, someone confirming the affair is not enough. You will need documentation that can be taken to trial if you make the decision to divorce. Documentation is the most important part of your case. Having a thorough report, an explanation of video, and still photography evidence can help you with your presentation of the facts. If you decide to work with an attorney, it is important to have the evidence we provide to ensure your case and to protect you and your interests. All evidence is collected and provided in a strict, factual and specific manner. Extramarital affairs often lead to divorce; we do not interfere, we are here to help. We can assist in items from the discovery process to the healing process of recovering from infidelity. We believe infidelity is a very serious matter and should be treated accordingly.

    If your spouse or significant other is cheating, you deserve to know the truth. With the help of an Strategy professional investigator you can begin to start the healing process. This may not include keeping the relationship together. If you decide that your marriage is irrevocably broken, you are going to need the confidential services Strategy investigators can offer. As difficult as it may be to come to terms with, you are going to need to get the facts and protect your interests and own well being. Coping with infidelity is not easy, but living with it is worse.

    Items to which you can expect to have access to for an Unfaithful, Cheating Mate or Adultery Investigation:

    • Surveillance
    • Photos of Unknown Subjects
    • Communications Activity
    • Computer Usage
    • Internet Usage
    • Email Tracing
    • Identity Verification
    • Semen Testing
    • DNA for Hair and Skin
    • Covert Pregnancy Testing
    • Covert and Undercover Assignments
         People we catch (the cheater):
    • Cheating Wife or Unfaithful Wife
    • Cheating Husband or Unfaithful Husband
    • Cheating Spouse or Unfaithful Spouse
    • The Emotional Infidelity
    • The Other Woman
    • The Other Man
    • Marital Infidelity
    • Matrimonial Investigations
                                        Click here to contact us for free consultation



    Maybe your partner is not being as faithful and honest as you, a business associate might be trying to defraud you or perhaps someone you care about has started a habit that is going to be harmful to them. You need to be 100% certain before you take any action, but what if you are certain yet unable to prove it?

    Before you can confront someone with whom you have a relationship, whether in business or your personal life, you must have all of the facts. If all other options have been exhausted, or are not practical, discreet surveillance can be the only way to find out what you need to know.

    Discretion is paramount in such cases and you can rest assured that we will go to great lengths to ensure that you receive the evidence you need.

    All of our reports are accompanied by high quality photographic and video evidence. Why not have a look at the level of evidence you will obtain by using our surveillance service?

    Our agents also use body worn covert video and audio surveillance equipment which means that we can still provide you with exceptionally highly detailed evidence even if the subject enters a bar or restaurant. This is all at no extra cost to you!

    Our services for surveillance are offered to the Corporate Community as well as the Private Sector. Are you worried that your salesman or employees are not doing what they claim to be doing during their working hours? We will verify it for you.
    Do you have an employee or former employee on compensation or disability and you feel that their injury is not to the extent that they claim or they could be working somewhere else? We will find out for you.
    Do you want to check on your competitor or be involved in a new business relationship and want to see how their time is spent? Let us spend the day following them?
    Product or raw materials going missing from the work environment and you want to get to the bottom of it  We will get you the answers you are looking for.
    Do you have concerns about your child or teenager when they leave the home?  We will see what they are up to.
    Do you have doubts about your spouse or significant other and how they spend their time when they are away from you? Just ask us and we will be right behind them.



    What we offer

    General investigation, Missing Person, Tracing Debtors, Child abuse or molestation, Cheating Spouses, Insurance Investigation, Criminal Investigation, Arson and Fire loss Investigation, Unsolved crime Investigation, Surveillance, Private Clients, Corporate Clients, Computer forensics Investigation, Undercover Investigations, White-collar Crime, Intelligence Services, photographic evidence, Fraud Prevention, criminal and civil legal cases, fraud,  theft, stolen or counterfeit goods
    Click here to contact us for free consultation.

    Wednesday 4 May 2016




                CALL/TEXT  +254722 228 293 / +254733 228 293
    private investigator in Nairobi/Mombasa/Kenya

                               ABOUT US

    As one of the leading private investigator and detective agencies in the Kenya, we pride ourselves on offering a professional and discreet service. Every detective or private investigator employed by Strategy Investigations has a wealth of expertise in a wide range of fields, so it doesn’t matter if you want to look into a spouse’s suspicious behavior, investigating an employee who you believe may be sharing confidential information, or want to prove that somebody is committing fraud, we can help.

    We understand that working with a private investigator or detective can be a daunting prospect, which is why we take the time to sit down with every client to gain a thorough understanding of their individual situation before we begin. This means we can provide a completely bespoke personal service, perfectly tailored to your requirements, so that we can consistently deliver the results you are searching for.

                                  OUR TEAM

    Our team of National and International investigators have years of experience working in the Kenya and further afield, helping legal, private and corporate clients on a range of different issues. We treat every case we take on as unique, and because of this we offer a wide variety of different services, including in matrimonial surveillance, corporate investigations, computer forensics, document examination, background checks and much, much more

    If you want to find out more about how we can help you, feel free to call us for a free telephone consultation. Alternatively, we have offices located across the Country, and are always happy to arrange a face to face consultation if you prefer.

    This service list covers the more popular needs of clients but not limited to:
    • Infidelity & matrimonial investigation
    •  SMS retrieval.(both normal & whatsapp sms)
    • Debtor collection
    • Asset Tracing and recovery
    • Background check
    • Due diligence and pre contract verification
    • DNA testing services.
    • Fraud Investigations
    • Insurance claims investigations
    • Overseas professional investigations
    • Photographic evidence gathering
    • Document verification
    • Skip tracing
    • Surveillance
    • Tracing of missing persons, friends and family, witnesses, etc.
    • Cctv camera sale and installation
    • Mobile spy software/ cheaters spy software 
     Do you think your partner (Husband, Wife, Girlfriend or Boyfriend) might be having an affair?

    It is often the ‘not knowing’ that is the worst aspect of cheating in a relationship. At Strategy Private Investigators, our cheating partner and infidelity investigations can remove the doubts and either set your mind at ease or provide you with irrefutable evidence to confront the problem. In most cases it is subtle or at times, major changes in behavior that causes suspicion. You need to be sure if these changes are innocent or not. In some cases you will be sure your partner is being unfaithful or at best lying to you and you just need proof before you can confront them.

    Obviously, if your partner is cheating, you definitely have the right to know. If they are not, then you need proof in order to alleviate your uncertainty and concern. It is only by having the facts that you can confront your partner or get on with your life.

    Watch for some of the following potential infidelity signs:

    • they are spending more time away from home.
    • they seem to be working late more often.
    • noticeable mobile phone habit changes.
    • they won't answer their phone around you, turn the ringer off or take longer than usual to call you back.
    • their clothes smell of alcohol, smoke, perfume or aftershave.
    • they clear their computer history, utilize free email accounts such as gmail, yahoo, hotmail, etc..., spend odd hours or unusually long times on their computer, change screen display when you enter the room.
    • they are not interested in sex as much.
    • they are unusually defensive or start ignoring you.
    • Change in attitude toward spouse.
    • Spouse
    • You sense something "off".
    • distracted and uninterested in family activities.
    • Increased and unexplained spending.
    • New found interest in dieting and getting in shape.
    • Unexplained hours away.
    • “Detours” after work. 
    • Constantly deleting browsing history.
    • Spouse hides text messages and call log on cell phone.
    • Cheating spouse does not answer cell phone during working hours.
    • Looks for opportunities to be alone.
    • Frequent calls and hang ups at the house or cell phone.
    • Cheating husband suddenly “checks out” women.
    • Changes in sexual behavior.
    • Refuses to talk about relationship problems.

    If you are experiencing ANY of the above, contact us for details of how we can help you find the peace of mind you deserve. Our comprehensive Infidelity Investigation service is customized for each individual client and offers a highly professional team of surveillance operatives to conduct discreet covert investigations, anywhere in The World, at any time.

    Out of the 339 cheating partner and infidelity investigation cases we have worked in the past 18 months, over 98% of the cases proved that the clients suspicions were correct and they received the evidence to PROVE it!

    Our discretion is paramount in cheating partner and infidelity investigations and you can rest assured that your partner will not know of our existence and that you will receive all the evidence you need. Our final reports will be accompanied by photographic and/or video evidence. This will prove that either your fears are justified and that your partner has been unfaithful, or possibly that you have no need to worry as your partner is innocent and you can continue your relationship as normal with peace of mind.

    Our infidelity investigation agents use high tech surveillance equipment including 'night vision' camera equipment, long range lenses and when necessary body worn hidden video and audio surveillance equipment. This means that we can still provide you with exceptionally highly detailed evidence even if the subject enters a bar or restaurant.

    If you suspect your partner of cheating, you need a Private Investigator. Click here to contact us for a free, extremely competitive, no obligation consultation or call us+254722 228 293 / +254733 228 293


     We have an excellent success rate.

    We are professionals and ONLY use qualified and trained operatives.

    We are duly registered with the Information Commissioners Office.

    We are members of Nationally and Internationally recognized bodies.

    In many cases, we offer GUARANTEED results.

    In many cases, we work on a FIXED FEE basis.

    We have both male and female investigators.

    National & International coverage available.

    All services available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    We are very well established and have agents across The World.

    We are EXTREMELY DISCREET and client confidentiality is paramount to us.

    ​Our testimonials are GENUINE.

                  We will listen to your situation and will advise you on:

    How we can help you.

    How many agents the case will require.

    When the work will be completed.

    When and how you will receive the evidence.

    The overall cost.

    We can take on any case, no matter how large or small.

    We work 24 hours of the day, 7 days a week.

                     Our ultimate aim is to provide you with:

    Irrefutable evidence.

    Complete confidentiality.

    Total professionalism.

    Absolute flexibility.

    100% reliability.

    Peace of mind.

    A service which is professional, reliable and cost effective to you.

    Click here to hire a Private Investigator or call us  +254722 228 293 / +254733 228 293





    CALL/TEXT  +254722 228 293 / +254733 228 293




    Mr.Julius is an experienced cheating spouse private investigator in Nairobi and Mombasa Kenya.  Mr.Julius is the founder and owner of Strategy Investigations and he has been conducting infidelity investigations in Kenya since 2009.  Performing a cheating spouse investigation in Kenya requires a unique and specialized approach to the case.Strategy Investigations has perfected a method for conducting cheating spouse investigations in Kenya.  

    1.  We listen to our clients. 

    Perhaps the most common error made by inexperienced cheating spouse private investigators in Kenya is the inability to listen to the client explain why they are suspicious and give them an opportunity to describe the details of their case.  Let’s face it; having a private investigator license doesn’t make someone an expert on the person they will be following.  The real “expert” on the details of the case, is the client, not the P.I.  Far too many Kenyan cheating spouse private investigators make the mistake of telling the client what they need, instead of listening to the client and diagnosing the problem before prescribing the solution. 

    2.  We apply the right strategy.

    Our experience as  cheating spouse private investigators has given us an understanding of which investigative strategy we should apply to the case based on the case circumstances.  While it is true, that each and every cheating spouse investigation in Strategy carries with it a unique set of case details, it is also true that there are some principles that are universal to every case and experienced Strategy infidelity investigators understand this and work to apply the best strategy.  It’s critical for cheating spouse investigators  to remember the case objectives while conducting the investigation.  Most client’s want some type “proof” of infidelity or “proof” that their spouse is having an affair .Strategy Investigations specializes in catching a cheating spouse  we apply the investigative strategy that gives us the best possible chance of catching the cheating spouse. 

    3.  We are extremely discrete.

    Every cheating spouse private investigator should understand the importance of client confidentiality and how to conduct an investigation in the most discrete way possible.  At Strategy Investigations, however, being discrete and keeping the case confidential is literally sacred to our field investigators.   There is no substitute for experience when it comes to hiring a Strategy cheating spouse private investigator.  Once again, because STRATEGY Investigations focuses on cheating spouse investigations we have an enormous advantage over other  cheating spouse investigators who will occasionally take an infidelity case, but would rather work on other investigation types.   Whether following the cheating spouse during surveillance, installing a gps device at 2:00 a.m., or obtaining hidden camera evidence of a cheating spouse in a night club, our every day experience as      Strategy cheating spouse private investigators has made us the best choice when in the market for an investigator.

    4.  We keep the lines of communication open.

    Over the years we have discovered that the number 1 complaint of customers who have come to us after having used another kenyan cheating spouse investigator, is that the infidelity private detective did not keep the client updated as to the ongoing status of the investigation.  The client referred the case to the cheating spouse P.I. and then didn’t hear back from the private investigator for several weeks.One client even referred to it as if she had sent the case (and her check) into a “black hole” where the cheating spouse detective took her money and then disappeared.  Our clients have regularly thanked us for allowing them direct access to the surveillance investigator in the field who is actually following the cheating spouse.  Our clients are able to call the cheating spouse investigator at any time during the surveillance assignment and get “real time” updates and status reports.  The Strategy infidelity investigator following the cheater also benefits from the communication from the client because they can typically interpret locations and people for the detective and narrow the margin for error. 

    5.  We get evidence.

    At the end of the day, the main reason we were hired was to obtain evidence of infidelity or proof that the spouse is cheating.  That’s what we get paid to produce for our clients.  As an strategy private investigator cheating spouse expert,Strategy Investigations knows how to get evidence.  There is a reason why our attorney clients come back to us time and time again.  It is precisely due to our ability to conduct a cheating spouse investigation in Kenya in the most productive manner possible.  We will put ourselves in the best possible position in order to obtain documented evidence of an affair or a cheater in the act.  If there is an outward display of affection, we will put ourselves in the best possible position to obtain photographic evidence of the act. 

    When it comes to hiring a Strategy cheating spouse private investigator, you’ve come to the right place.  Catching a cheating spouse is our specialty.

    As  cheating spouse private investigator I recognize that I may not be the most objective person to answer the following question: “Why hire a cheating spouse private investigator?”   However, although I may be private detective, I am also a husband and a fathers and I understand how important your family is to you.   At Strategy  Investigations, most of our investigators are married with families and we believe in our service and that private investigators can sometimes actually help to save marriages.  

    Here are 4 reasons why you should seriously consider hiring a cheating spouse private investigator:

    1.  The first step in overcoming infidelity is admitting it.

    Infidelity is not a death sentence to a marriage.  However, overcoming infidelity can be a monumental task between a husband and wife.  Before any attempt can be made to change the behavior and possibly save the marriage, however, the cheating spouse must be brought to the humility of admitting what they have done.  This is not always easy.  In most cases, it takes confronting the cheating spouse with evidence in the form of photographs or video that they cannot deny or “wiggle” out of.  That’s where we come in as cheating spouse private investigators-Strategy.  We specialize in obtaining proof of the cheating spouse in the act of having an affair.   Once they are confronted with evidence they cannot deny, an admission is much more possible.  And the possibility of saving the marriage can be discussed.

    2.  Cheating spouse private investigators are professional and can empathize with your situation.

    Hiring a cheating spouse private investigator in Kenya can be a tough decision that husbands and wives wrestle with for long periods of time.   After all, you are inviting a 3rd party into your personal life by having a professional private detective follow, observe and video tape your spouses’ activities.  This can understandably make people feel uncomfortable because despite the heartache of infidelity, most clients continue to care deeply about their spouse and have a strong emotional attachment to them.   An experienced infidelity private investigator Strategy understands the tough decision you are contemplating and should be able to articulate the investigation process in a way that puts your fears at ease.Strategy Investigations specializes in cheating spouse investigations in Nairobi and Mombasa Kenya and we have “walked” thousands of clients through the infidelity investigation process.  Our infidelity investigators not only know how to conduct the investigation, but we are also married themselves and understand the tough decision you have made.  We are professional and respectful of you and the cheating spouse and we recognize that you still care about the cheating husband or cheating wife we will be following.  We conduct every cheating spouse investigation with that in mind.  

    3.  Cheating spouse investigations are still relevant in family law court cases. 

    As the leading cheating spouse investigators, we recognize that Kenya is a “no-fault” divorce state.  That being said, attorney’s and law firms continue to refer numerous clients and cases to our company because proof of a cheating spouse in the act of infidelity can still have bearing on a divorce or ongoing family law case.  When it comes to custody, evidence of a cheating spouse can strengthen your argument for the rights to your children.  Also, proof of co-habitation impacts several family law issues.Cheating spouse investigations often produce evidence of employment or unreported spousal income that can be relevant in family court.Cheating spouse investigators also frequently come up with a variety of evidence that shows the spouse has lied in court.Your ability to prove your spouse has lied to the judge can strike at their credibility for the rest of the family law case and tip the scales in your favor.

    4.  The need to know.

    Without a doubt, the most common reason our clients come to us for a cheating spouse investigation in Strategy is because they simply have to know for sure if their spouse is cheating or having an affair.  Simply the thought of your spouse having an affair can haunt a husband or a wife.  Marriage is a huge emotional investment often over decades and when one spouse changes or wishes to divorce, it’s common and natural to want to know why.  It’s important to recognize that these feelings are natural and normal.  As  private investigator specializing in cheating spouse cases, we are here to give you the answer to that question.Regardless of whether the marriage is worth fighting for or not, it’s OK to simply want to know the reason for the change. 

    Once again,Strategy Investigations is a Kenya cheating spouse investigator who you can turn to when you simply must know the reason why.  If nothing else, you can have peace of mind.