Tuesday 6 September 2016


                 Adultery or Infidelity Investigations (Marital):

  Suspecting your mate of having an affair can be a very emotionally overwhelming experience. To be sure of anything you need facts. Strategy investigators will investigate the suspicious activity, helping you attain the truth you need to make important decisions in your life.
    Feelings of disappointment, anger, uncertainty, betrayal and confusion can cloud rational thinking. There is no reason to live a moment longer wondering and in pain. If you are facing having to deal with infidelity we can facilitate an in depth, discrete investigation to find out for certain. With knowing the truth, comes peace of mind and in situations like these, certainty is priceless. We provide a free consultation and have a team of investigators nationwide able to track down and find out the truth. With strategy investigators agents all over the country, out of region trips no longer prove to be an obstacle or excessive expense in finding out the activities of your suspicious spouse.

Look over the list below; if this sounds even remotely familiar, you need to call us today. There is nothing worse than the feeling of suspicion of a loved one, and until you know for sure, such thoughts could take a serious toll on your own well being as well as the well being of your relationship

    • Excessive or discreet use of the computer
    • Overtime hours or holdovers with work
    • Hiding of phone, credit/debit card, or bank accounts histories
    • Excessive arguing of facts related to time
    • Blaming, defensive behavior
    • Negative projections behavior - accusing you of an affair
    • Lack of sexual interest or abnormal renewed sexual interest
    • Abnormal call activity at the home or cell phones - Hang ups and long tones
    • Removal of pictures or photos from wallet
    • Lost wedding ring
    • Singles behavior - out with friends
    • These are only some of the signs

    Many times email, messenger activity, the workplace, and other communication mediums are aggravators in the process. Several members of our investigations team also consult for our computer forensics and internet use service group and can help advise you on how to discover and use our investigations with your discovery process.
    We understand completely that discretion is paramount in these investigations. No matter your level in society we are equipped with the tools to track and confirm any suspicions completely undetected. With Strategy investigators you are 100% assured and guaranteed complete confidentiality. We can, in most circumstances, also complete a background investigation and profile of the "Unknown Subjects”. If desired Strategy investigators has the ability to provide you with a complete report on the other person, pictures included.

    If you are married and you suspect your significant other, someone confirming the affair is not enough. You will need documentation that can be taken to trial if you make the decision to divorce. Documentation is the most important part of your case. Having a thorough report, an explanation of video, and still photography evidence can help you with your presentation of the facts. If you decide to work with an attorney, it is important to have the evidence we provide to ensure your case and to protect you and your interests. All evidence is collected and provided in a strict, factual and specific manner. Extramarital affairs often lead to divorce; we do not interfere, we are here to help. We can assist in items from the discovery process to the healing process of recovering from infidelity. We believe infidelity is a very serious matter and should be treated accordingly.

    If your spouse or significant other is cheating, you deserve to know the truth. With the help of an Strategy professional investigator you can begin to start the healing process. This may not include keeping the relationship together. If you decide that your marriage is irrevocably broken, you are going to need the confidential services Strategy investigators can offer. As difficult as it may be to come to terms with, you are going to need to get the facts and protect your interests and own well being. Coping with infidelity is not easy, but living with it is worse.

    Items to which you can expect to have access to for an Unfaithful, Cheating Mate or Adultery Investigation:

    • Surveillance
    • Photos of Unknown Subjects
    • Communications Activity
    • Computer Usage
    • Internet Usage
    • Email Tracing
    • Identity Verification
    • Semen Testing
    • DNA for Hair and Skin
    • Covert Pregnancy Testing
    • Covert and Undercover Assignments
         People we catch (the cheater):
    • Cheating Wife or Unfaithful Wife
    • Cheating Husband or Unfaithful Husband
    • Cheating Spouse or Unfaithful Spouse
    • The Emotional Infidelity
    • The Other Woman
    • The Other Man
    • Marital Infidelity
    • Matrimonial Investigations
                                        Click here to contact us for free consultation

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