Wednesday 13 September 2023


 Unfaithful Partner Investigations in Kenya CALL/WHATSAPP +254722 228 293

Do you suspect your partner is cheating?
You possess the right to uncover the truth.

Hiring a cheating spouse spy or private investigator is definitely a solid means to obtain all the evidence you need to confront your spouse who is cheating on you. We are trained professionals, so we can conduct an investigation without the risk of your spouse finding out that you are monitoring them. Our Private detectives assume a fiduciary responsibility when you hire us, so we will provide you with a truthful and accurate report of our findings.

We will provide a free consultation if you need help. Just give us a call / whatsapp +254722 228 293 we are here to help you.

A cheating spouse or partner is everyone’s worst nightmare. At Strategy private investigators in Kenya we believe no one should live with suspicions, resentments, and doubts. We want to aid our clients in their search for the truth. There is nothing quite like cold, hard evidence.

Do not let your boyfriend/girlfriend, wife/husband, partner talk you into feeling crazy. Most partners partaking in adultery will provide excuses and reasons for things you might have seen or may be feeling. Trust your gut and contact us to confirm or dispel your suspicions.

We would like to urge our clients to be careful having contacted a private investigator. Your partner may become alert something is going on if you start acting out of the ordinary. Make sure your partner does not have access to your mobile phone where they might see messages or emails with the company or investigator. Be cautious but not different. We put the safety of our clients first and would like them to demonstrate caution.

Catching a Cheating Spouse
To catch a cheating spouse can be difficult if they already suspect that you may know something, but some people are blatantly open about their infidelity - just not with you. That is where we come in. We pursue all our cases with dogged determination. Deciding to hire a private investigator is under no circumstances an easy decision to make. That is why we handle all our cases with the utmost sensitivity and care.

Discreet Infidelity Investigation Services in Nairobi Kenya
Our discretion is paramount in cheating partners and infidelity investigations and you can rest assured that your partner will not know of our existence and that you will receive all the evidence you need. Our final reports will be accompanied by photographic or video evidence. This will prove that either your fears are justified and that your partner has been unfaithful, or possibly that you have no need to worry as your partner is innocent and you can continue your relationship as per normal with peace of mind.

How do I know if my spouse is cheating on me?
There can be a wide variety of factors that may lead you to suspecting that your spouse is cheating. If you believe your spouse is cheating, you may have noticed some of these major changes in your partner. In today’s world it is unfortunately made plenty easier to cheat on your partner. Everyone’s definition of cheating may differ, so it is important that you make yourself clear on what your definition is to your partner.

Dating applications and the vast social network has put millions of people in contact who may previously have never known about each other. For many people this has opened their dating pool so much that even when they settle into a relationship they can’t help but look further.

Some Signs that your spouse is cheating:

They are spending more time away from home
They seem to be working late more often
Noticeable habit changes with their mobile phone
They won’t answer their phone around you, have it on silent, or take longer than usual to call you back
Their clothes smell of alcohol, smoke, perfume, or aftershave
They clear their computer history frequently, utilise free email accounts such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, and the likes, spend odd hours or unusually long times on their computer, change screen display when you enter the room
They suddenly have a very low libido
They are strangely defensive or they start ignoring you
They have extended working hours. They have not been promoted, nor do they bring in additional income, but all of a sudden, you noticed that they're working overtime almost every single shift
Your spouse is changing their habits, e.g., like going out for late-night parties more often or hanging out with friends and not extending the invite to you
Frequent business trips that cover the entire weekend or even longer
They have unexplainable expenditures like a surge in their credit card bill or unknown numbers appearing on their call list
They spend more time and money on grooming themselves, like going to the gym or salon and even purchasing expensive clothes and jewelry, unlike before.
Their phones are locked and next to them all the time. Or they sneak in secretly to use the computer.
Lesser physical contact, sex, and affection
Defensive and offensive
Their friends are awkward around you
Your spouse is often unreachable or may hang up prematurely
Do not confront your partner until you find evidence
When you recognise signs of infidelity, your initial reaction may be to confront your partner, but this may not be the correct first approach. Confronting your partner directly about how you feel, may not be the best idea without credible evidence. Your spouse may merely lie to you and tell you that nothing is happening if you do not bring solid proof to the table.

The next time they do it again; they will likely be more careful and secretive with everything they do, to prevent you from discovering the truth. Consequently, do not go on to immediately accuse your spouse without the facts. Be prepared and emotionally ready with conclusive evidence before you bring it up at the dinner table.

There may be indirect conversations you may be capable of striking with your partner concerning infidelity that may provide you with some strong leads. This is an incredibly delicate topic, especially if your spouse is actually cheating, so make sure that the conversation you have is not raising suspicions to them that you have concerns of infidelity. Be patient and seek signs in the conversation, because if they are or have been actively cheating, they will tell on themselves.

However, some people are terribly good at disguising and masking the truth, so make sure you are also doing your due diligence and research outside of these conversations, to find out what is really happening.

Dealing with the suspicions of infidelity
It is a distressing experience to suspect your spouse, significant other, or partner of cheating, and can understandably destroy a relationship. Suspicions like this can fester and ruin even the healthiest of relationships.

Your suspicions could have you feeling crazy, physically ill, disrupt your routine life, sleepless nights, stress, anxiety, not eating as well as you should, or cause you to fall into a depression. It goes without saying, these suspicions are not good for you or possibly involved children. The mind is constantly looking to justify certain behaviours of our partners. Love can leave us in disbelief of what is right in front of us.

Hire a cheating spouse investigator in Nairobi
The time is right now to find a resolution to these doubts, to set your life back on track by finding the answer to the question you seek, “Is my spouse cheating?” Whatever answer we find for you, you will be able to re-evaluate the relationship and take the next steps forward. Knowing the truth can put you in a more proactive position.

Provide yourself the best chance of finding out what is going on with your partner. Finding out the truth can be painful if you have been a devoted partner, unfortunately, when such suspicions arise, it is usually a sign that there is something amiss in the relationship. There is always the chance that you could be completely mistaken, but what if you are right?

Peace of mind is just a phone call away.
Call us confidentially on +254722 228 293

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